C.U. Vita

C.A. Ullrich Vita


July 1995:

Ph.D. in Physics, University of Wurzburg, Germany

Thesis Advisor: Prof. E. K. U. Gross

Thesis topic: Time-dependent density-functional approach to atoms in strong laser pulses

July 1992:

Diplom in Physics, University of Wurzburg, Germany

Thesis Advisor: Prof. E. K. U. Gross

Thesis topic: Gradient expansion for superconductors

May 1990:

M.S. in Physics, State University of New York at Albany


September 2023 - present: Curators' Distinguished Professor, University of Missouri-Columbia

September 2013 - August 2023: Professor of Physics, University of Missouri-Columbia

September 2007 - August 2013: Associate Professor of Physics, University of Missouri-Columbia

January 2005 - August 2007: Assistant Professor of Physics University of Missouri-Columbia

August 2001 - December 2004: Assistant Professor of Physics University of Missouri-Rolla

September 2000 - July 2001: Visiting post-doctoral research associate, iQUEST, University of California, Santa Barbara

Supervisors: Prof. Michael Flatte and Prof. Giovanni Vignale

September 1999 - August 2000: Visiting post-doctoral research associate, ITP, University of California, Santa Barbara

Supervisor: Prof. Walter Kohn

January 1997 - August 1999: Post-doctoral research associate University of Missouri-Columbia

Supervisor: Prof. Giovanni Vignale

November 1995 - December 1996: Postdoctoral research associate  CERFACS and Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France

Supervisor: Prof. Eric Suraud



Fellow of the American Physical Society (2015)

NSF CAREER Award (2005)

Cottrell Scholar Award, Research Corporation (2004)

MU Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity (2014)

MU Provost Outstanding Junior Faculty Research and Creativity Award (2007)

MU Physics Alumni Award (2019 and 2008)

Outstanding Reviewer for Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2017)

Top Reviewer for the Journal of Chemical Physics (2016)

American Physical Society Outstanding Referee Award (2009)