Group of Carsten A. Ullrich
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri-Columbia
We are a research group in Theoretical and Computational Condensed-Matter Physics, with an emphasis on developing new methodologies and applications in Density-Functional Theory (DFT) and Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory (TDDFT).
Carsten A. Ullrich
Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211
Phone: (573) 882-2467
Our paper "Spin waves with source-free time-dependent spin density functional theory" with Jenna Bologa was published today in PRB 110, 235121 (2024)
Jared Williams has defended his PhD in Fall 2024. The title of his thesis is "A study of time-dependent exciton dynamics: insights from 1- and 2-dimensional model systems". Congratulations, Jared!
Didarul Alam has joined our group as a postdoc (October 2023). Welcome, Didar!
Our collaboration with Deepak Singh's group has successfully led to a paper in Nature Communications, "Persistent dynamic magnetic state in artificial honeycomb spin ice" (August 2023). Daniel's simulations were a central part of this work.